Wow ... well so much has happened since I last posted on here Dad. That's not to say that you don't know that already! We talk everyday and you are mentioned every single day. Zach has a lot of questions now which means it has sunk in for him too now. You aren't coming back but we know you are still here in spirit with us. We miss you so much Dad. I just wish we had told you more when you were here how amazing you are. What an inspirational person you are and how you and Mum have made us the people we are today. Trying to follow in your footsteps. Be kind, gracious, accepting of everyone and generous with our time/love and selves (it's such a hard task though ....). You've not made it easy for us ;-) So things are somewhat hectic at the moment but I'm hoping things will calm down soon and return to a sense of normality. I guess keeping busy is what helps. There is certainly never a dull moment. I have to be honest though and say the guilt hasn't got any easier. If anything it's worse now than it was a year ago. I guess our lives were on hold for a long time .... but there comes a point when you realise if you keep on waiting and wading through that life will begin to pass you by and things which you should be dealing with aren't getting done. So I guess what I am trying to say is please don't be annoyed with me. I'm trying to do what is right and move forward (that means getting stuck into things which previously I had left). We are all finding it extremely hard without you. Just little things I guess all add up. Hoping you are OK up there and your new bindery is fully functioning now ;-) I bet the Big Man has a good few books for you to work on ;-) All our love ... xxxxx