Clare 6th April 2015

Inspiration Needing a bit of inspiration and motivation for the weeks ahead. You know what it's like Dad when you come back from holiday and it's a bit of a 'downer' ... back to normality after an amazing week away. There's lots to catch up on and I always feel so behind with everything. I find it really hard to see what I have achieved and I always focus on what I have still to do. In ways I feel I'm just not getting any further forward because I'm such a perfectionist like you! I always want everything to be just so instead of just getting on with it!! I have my To Do list ready which I'll try to start working through this week (but not too much as Zach is off school this week). Planning to do something with him everyday this week so he has a good time off school. Today we made a holiday scrap book (more of a folder). He really enjoyed making it and it's lovely for him to have something to share with people. Missing you lots Dad. Night night, Clare xxxx