c k arkwright 4th April 2015

Can't believe it is 6 months since you left me. It's also Good Friday and always a sad day for us even when we were together. I am so lonely without you but I wouldn't have wanted you to be in pain anymore. How can I stop this hurt inside me, will it ever get any better? I am going to church tonight, but not to mass this afternoon as I couldn't bear it. I have listened to your ipad and the Divine Office for today, although even that makes me cry. Haven't told you about the little kitten that Clare bought me. He is called Milo and although he is a little mischief he keeps me company. Sorry about the scratches to the leather suite but I am going to try and get rid of them with leather cream. I worry so much about things not being as you would have liked them to be. New gardener now looking after the gardens but hopefully I will get some more plants to fill all the pots soon because I know you liked the garden to look bright and cheerful. I love you more each day we are apart and my heart aches so much. Love you now and always.